Medjool Dates vs Bananas

Bananas have been widely advertised as a beneficial pre and post work out snack for many years; the benefits being linked to everything from increased endurance and higher energy levels to muscle recovery and cramp prevention. But did you know that Medjool Dates have twice as much as the nutrient’s bananas are known for pound for pound?


To produce energy your body breaks down carbs, in fact, the primary role of carbs is to supply energy to all cells in our body. Carbohydrates are an important nutrient to consume pre workout because they are fast acting and turn into energy as soon as they are consumed. While an average banana (100g) provides the body with around 23g of carbohydrates the same amount of medjool dates provide 3 times that amount at 75g per 100g of dates. More importantly, carb consumption helps to replenish glycogen levels which typically run low during long workouts leading to fatigue and cramps.


We all know the importance of protein consumption post workout for muscle building and recovery. Being able to absorb protein more effectively can dramatically shorten recovery time. But did you know that carbohydrates drive the process of efficient protein absorption? When we consume carbohydrates with protein our body releases insulin, the elevated insulin levels help our muscles absurd amino acids thereby yielding better protein absorption and muscle recovery. 


Potassium is used by our body to manage fluid levels, send nerve signals, and regulate muscle contractions. 98% of the potassium in our body is found in our cells, of this, 80% is found in our muscle cells. Looking at these numbers we can see why potassium is such an important mineral to consume, too little potassium often leads to muscle cramps and soreness, especially in athletes.   

Potassium is classified as an electrolyte and once in water it dissolves into negative or positive ions that conduct electricity and allow our body to manage fluid balances in our cells. When potassium levels are low our body can’t regulate fluid levels; poor fluid balance leads to dehydration, muscle cramps, and a host of other ailments. It is no surprise sport drinks contain potassium and push the importance of replenishing electrolyte levels during exercise.

Compared to a bananas’ 326mg of potassium, dates offer 696mg in the same serving size. Eating a couple of dates before your workout ensures you have enough potassium to see you through the exercise while avoiding other harmful substance that are often present in sports drinks as well as the added sugars. The slow and sustained release of potassium offered by medjool dates before a workout is unparalleled.

Glycemic Index

Medjool dates are super sweet, they are used as natural sweeteners in baking and are often referred to as “natures candy.” However, if we look at the glycemic index, which measures how food increases blood sugar levels, medjool dates are given a score of 36, where anything under 55 is considered a low GI food. What does this mean? You get all the energy without the crash.

Apart from the benefits that medjool dates provide to our workouts they are also high in fiber, which not only helps regulate our digestive system but also helps us feel full longer. They are packed with magnesium and copper, which helps regulate muscle and nerve function and ensures our body gets enough iron. Medjool dates are loaded with antioxidants which help eliminate radicals from cells and reduce damage cause by oxidation.

The benefits of consuming medjool dates goes on and on, from providing a natural energy source to preventing inflation. Next time you’re getting ready for your work-out or marathon race reach for the better alternative, Sun Joule Dates, and feel the difference.